社会科学 » 社会科学课程说明


社会科学系系主任:Mrs. 金伯利摩西


先决条件: None – Required of all freshmen not enrolled in Honors Introduction to 辩论.

(9) 本课程是一门学期课程,与学期健康课程配套. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of public speaking in the classroom, 人际交往的场合, 专业设置和社会宣传. Class instruction will focus on preparing the student for high school and college academic presentations. 这将包括:沟通在日常生活中的作用, 通信模型, 演讲结构和表达方式. 完成本课程后, 学生应该能够进行研究, 组织, 撰写和发表几种不同类型的演讲. 最后, this introductory high school course is designed to give students the opportunities to gain poise, 培养个人兴趣, 分担小组项目的责任.
先决条件: A composite score of 60 or above on the HSPT or eligibility for Honors English I or permission of the 辩论 coach.

(9) This class is an Honors level course which will provide students with numerous opportunities to practice basic research skills, 进行批判性阅读练习, 解读数据和地图, 就复习材料提出问题, 讨论不同观点的优点, and communicate one’s thoughts in the form of affirming or negating a proposed policy resolution. 此外,该课程将涉及各种学习技巧. This course is required for any student who wishes to participate in the Damien 辩论 program.
先决条件: None – Required of all sophomores not enrolled in 跳级 世界历史.

(10) 1300年至今的世界历史概览. 学生将比较和对比主要的文化, 经济, 政治, 以及世界不同地区内部和之间的社会发展. Particular attention will be paid to the transformative nature of European Imperialism on both the West and other world cultures.

(Meets CSU/UC “a” requirement; NCAA Approved)
先决条件: “C” or better in Honors Speech or an “A” in Speech or permission of department chair.

(10) 对文化的研究, 经济, 政治和社会发展从c. 公元1200年到现在. 通过讲座, 讨论和阅读, the student will develop critical analytical skills necessary for college level work. Success in the course depends on student interest and ability to keep pace with the required reading..

(Meets CSU/UC “a” requirement; NCAA Approved)
先决条件: None – Required of all juniors not enrolled in 美国历史大学先修课程.

(11) 从殖民时代到现在的美国历史概览, 加上强调, 在第二学期, 以二十世纪的事件为背景.

(Meets CSU/UC “a” requirement; NCAA Approved)
先决条件: “C” or better in AP 世界历史 OR an “A” in 世界历史 OR permission of department chair.

(11) 为期一年的经济学深入学习课程, 文化, 政治和社会影响塑造了美国. The course is designed to provide students with the appropriate interest and ability, the opportunity to undertake an intense and critical investigation of American institutions from the Colonial Era to the present.

(Meets CSU/UC “a” requirement; NCAA Approved)

美国政府 & 经济学

(12) The 1st semester of this year-long course is a survey of the 政治 institutions and processes of American Government. 这门长达一年的课程的第二学期是微观经济学的调查, 宏观经济学, 以及国际经济. Both courses will introduce students debates over public policy in the 经济 and 政治 realms.

(Government meets the CSU/UC “a” requirement while 经济学 satisfies the CSU/UC “g” requirement; NCAA Approved)
大学先修课程美国政府 & 政治/美联社宏观经济学

(12) This is a year-long course that utilizes tandem scheduling to cover the American system of governance in addition to providing an introductory survey of the basic concepts of macro-经济s. Both topics are designed to be equivalent to most college level introductory course in scope, 方法和严谨性.

(Government meets the CSU/UC “a” requirement while 经济学 satisfies the CSU/UC “g” requirement; NCAA Approved)

(10-12) 每个年级都开设了一门发展法医技能的课程. 辩论和个人项目将被研究. It is assumed that all students will be participating in interscholastic forensic activities as part of their course involvement. 放学后需要花相当多的时间.

先决条件:累积绩点3.10年级4个以上,3个.11号是2或更高 & 12年级的学生.

(10-12) A systematic introduction to the study of the behavioral and mental processes of both human beings and of other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological principles and phenomenon associated with the major subfields within the discipline. 学生将学习在专业研究和实践中使用的方法.

(Meets CSU/UC “g” requirement; NCAA Approved)


(10-12) This course is structured to address human geography’s seven core topics: thinking geographically, 人口和移徙模式和进程, 文化模式和过程, 政治模式和进程, 农业和农村土地利用模式和进程, 城市和城市土地利用模式和过程, 工业和经济发展模式.

(Meets CSU/UC “a” requirement; NCAA approved)
AP比较政府 & 政治
This course explores the differences and similarities between various types of 政治 systems from an array of perspectives. 我们将探讨高管的类型, 立法机构, and judiciary systems found in a variety of authoritarian and democratic regimes; the impact the citizen, 单独的或作为集体的一部分(选举制度), 利益集团, 暴徒, 政党, etc…) plays in authoritarian and democratic regimes; and, the impact of formal and informal structures of 政治 power and 政治 culture on public policy, 特别是经济政策. 会议将特别关注中国的治理制度, 英国, 伊朗, 墨西哥, 尼日利亚, 和俄罗斯.

(Meets CSU/UC “a” requirement; NCAA approved)

(11-12) The IB Business Management course develops a student’s knowledge and understanding of business management theories, as well as their ability to apply a range of 工具 and techniques to business decisions. 该课程涵盖了各行各业的一系列组织, as well as the socio文化 and 经济 contexts in which those organizations operate. The course covers the key characteristics of business organization and environment, 以及人力资源管理的业务功能, 财务与会计, 营销及运营管理. The course allows students to develop a holistic understanding of today’s complex and dynamic business environment, 包括社会文化和经济背景. Additionally, this course covers a range of business organization from all sectors of the economy. 本课程的概念学习以企业管理理论为中心, 工具 and techniques; and, 本课程运用理论, 工具, 和技术到现实世界的例子和案例研究. 最后, students will be exposed ethical concerns when it comes to the practice of business management.

(Meets CSU/UC “g” requirement; NCAA approved)
Personal and Professional Skills IB CP1/CP2 (PPS) ** Required for all IB CP students
先决条件: IB CP candidate - this class will be taken outside of the traditional school day and will meet 1-2 times a week during the junior and senior years.

(11-12) Personal and Professional Skills (PPS) is an 国际学士学位 (IB) course that emphasizes skills for the workplace. 这是所有IB职业课程(CP)学生的核心内容. PPS, 职业相关学习课程, and the Diploma Programme subjects are intended to support each other in the sense that they reference each other and share common goals. PPS课程探讨五个中心主题:个人发展, 跨文化理解, 有效的沟通, 思维过程, 应用伦理学. 除了探索IB概述的五个PPS主题外, the PPS course will support students with the additional CP core elements of service learning, 语言发展, 以及最终的反思项目.

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